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CE Week, FACEI, and FBDC at FEATI University

FEATIU civil engineers may have soaring careers and the accompanying trappings and perks, but they still have that desire to give back to their Alma Mater. They proved this during the celebration of CE Week, organized and brought to its complete fruition by the FEATInian Association of Civil Engineers Inc. (FACEI) and FEATIU CE Department Chairman, Engr. Alfredo Villarin.

The most notable in the slew of activities prepared for the weeklong celebration was the launch of Face Builders & Development Corporation (FBDC), an engineering and construction conglomerate owned and managed exclusively by FEATI University Civil Engineering alumni.

FBDC is registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission with capital running into the millions for the purpose of complementing the FEATInian Association of Civil Engineers Inc. (FACEI) by using the collective expertise, skills, and resources of the two professional groups in the fields of construction and general engineering.

The launch became the proper platform to formally introduce the Board of Directors and Officers of the freshly-created conglomerate. It was also a most opportune moment for Dr. Rogelio A. Panlasigui, Dean of College of Engineering and Ms. Melanie P. Florentino, Events and Alumni Affairs Head to acquaint the CE alumni with the 1000 Freshmen Campaign, an initiative of FEATI CEO Francisco A. Segovia. Aside from the launch, program proper, and the distribution of FBDC stock certificates, the organizers of the event made sure that everyone who was there witnessed the blessing of the "leveled-up" CE Department facilities, lounge, laboratories, and the refurbished alumni office with its tastefully designed alumni-sponsored blinds complementing the University's glass and steel structure.

Likewise giving their backing to the events were sponsors: E.P. Cornejo Construction Corp; VS Cardon Iron Works & Construction; D'Jends Construction & Development Corp.; MLD Engineering Solutions, Inc.; P&C Systems, Inc; Gonzalbo Aluminum & Trading; Mojica Construction Woodworks & Metalworks; Foresight Development & Surveying Co.; Samuel Gonzales; and ComFAST. Interested FEATI CE Alumni may get in touch with FACEI or FBDC (for membership and interest to become stockholders) via the following websites: All the best to FACEI and FBDC from a grateful FEATI community! (AMD)



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