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FEATI University Alumni Association: For the Global Good

Engr. Dante C. Valencia, the indefatigable new president of FEATI University Alumni Association Global Inc. (FUAAGI) and ever the champion of his beloved Alma Mater, FEATI University, joined FEATI University president Dr.-Ing. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez, EVP & COO Dr. Gloria M. Alberto, Events & Alumni Affairs Head Melanie P. Florentino, and FEATI University deans, in leading an estimated hundred alumni in a Christmas reunion and formal launching of the AY2014-2015 1000 Freshmen Campaign Caravan at the FEATI University Bridgepoint last December 7, 2013. It was an evening of FEATInian fellowship, renewal of ties, and of university updates that were gladly shared by Dr. Gopez; to wit, attainment of PACUCOA level 1 Accreditation, the 2013 graduates who aced the PRC licensure examinations in Aeronautical (1st & 2nd placers) and Geodetic Engineering (2nd & 9th placers), the upgraded flood control system resulting in zero flooding in the campus, improved school facilities with modern laboratory equipment, and partnerships with industry and alumni, all of which led to the aggressive push for 1000 Freshmen in the next Academic Year.  A FEATIU caravan will traverse various Luzon provinces to launch this initiative and deliver this message farther than what has been done before.

FUAGGI is the umbrella association of all FEATI alumni regardless of course or college. Its function, reach, and affiliation are now both local and global. In his speech, the amiable, charming and optimistic new FUAAGI president strongly urged the alumni, to support scholarships for the varsity players, especially citing the men’s and women’s Seahawks volleyball teams who continuously bring pride to the University by besting the competition in the ISAA. He also thanked those who gave unreservedly to FEATI’s “Tulong Tayo, FEATINO” Yolanda Relief project.

Engr. Rudith Elena Campos-Joson, Engr. Arturo P. Barrameda, and Arch. Celeste Quiblat were Masters of Ceremonies in this gathering that was filled with so much good vibes and goodwill that regrets were felt by all when the party finally ended. Closing remarks were courtesy of FUAGGI 2nd vice-president Engr. Arturo P. Barrameda. Naturally, dinner and a raffle were “par for the course”. (AMD)



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