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FEATI University Alumnus to Deliver Inspirational Message at National Architecture Week: December 8-13, 2014

AR. Domingo LL. Tablizo, Jr., FUAP, ASEAN Architect, 30-year public servant (He is Chief of Construction Management at the NBI), and one of the Philippines’ First 40 ASEAN Architects, has been chosen to deliver an inspirational message at the Opening Ceremonies of the National Architecture Week (NAW) December 8, 2014 at the SM Manila Exhibit Hall. The exhibit features the Philippines First 40 ASEAN Architects with AR. Tablizo the sole FEATInian featured in this elite circle.

The BS Architecture alumnus of class 1982 says, “It is my honor to share this international recognition and title with my alma mater - FEATI University. The National Architecture Week will run from December 8-13, 2014 and yours truly was requested to deliver the message on behalf of the 40 ASEAN Architects. I hope to see the students and faculty members of the College of Architecture during the week-long event.”

FEATI University and its constituents are very proud to hear from alumni past and present, especially those with such august accomplishments. Ms. Melanie P. Florentino, Head of Events, Promotions, Sports Development, and Alumni Affairs says, “We have a constant stream of visitors from our alumni. They may have succeeded far more than they ever thought possible but they always look back to their Great FEATI Experience. Just recently and much to our delight we had a visit by a 90-year old alumnus from the Airline Maintenance Engineering Class of 1948. We encourage more of them to come back and catch up. We’d love to feature their stories online and on our social media accounts for our students to be inspired by them. They are truly one of the best showcases; living proof of our quality education. On behalf of FEATI University, we reciprocate the honor bestowed to us by AR. Tablizo through this public declaration of congratulations for a job well done! We also reiterate his invitation for the students and faculty of the College of Architecture to visit the exhibit at the SM Manila Exhibit Hall from December 8-13, 2014.”(AMD)

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