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FEATI University celebrates 70th Anniversary, Founder’s Day & 75th Anniversary Launch

On the 4th day of March, FEATIU marked another milestone with the celebration of the 70th Anniversary, which also coincided with the Founders’ Day and the launching of the much anticipated, 75th year of the University. The three-pronged celebration reinvigorated the FEATI community with pride and joy, as the members of the family of FEATIU founders, Salvador Zaragosa Araneta and Victoria Lopez Araneta, led by Mrs. Carmen Araneta-Segovia, mother of CEO Francisco A. Segovia witnessed the momentous occasion.

Inspired by the theme, “Looking Back, Moving Forward and Soaring into the Future,” the day was celebrated with a great aplomb by holding a full-packed program at the Activity Center. Hosted by Mr. Carlo Dureza, HR Head, the esteemed guests, professors and students were treated to a nostalgic journey beginning with an AVP, “FEATI U _70 Years: Looking Up to Greater Experiences.” A look back at the pioneering years towards the flourishing, halcyon years of FEATI, remembering the accomplishments of FEATInians, and honouring distinguished alumni, the video served as a preview towards the future projects and activities of FEATIU in the five years to come. Followed by a special performance of the PWU School of Music, the guests composed of Raul Santos (pianist), Rechelle Maynes (soprano) and Jade Luna (violin) sang kundiman to honor the memory of Don Salvador and Dona Victoria Araneta.

Some of the pieces sang were personal favourites of the founding couple. Dr. Gopez, at this point capped the first part of the program with his message to look forward to the changes projected by 2021. Hereon, the second AVP on the 5-year plan and countdown to FEATIU’s 75th anniversary presented concrete goals of the academic departments and the administrative and non-teaching sector. A much awaited event followed: the awarding of winners for The Great FEATI Experience Photo and Poster-making contests. The First Placers were Julius Fernan Anis, 4th year BS Aircraft Maintenance Technology student, in the Poster-making and Joshua Villanueva, 3rd year BS Aeronautical Engineering student, in the Photo contest. The event was judged by Randalf Dilla, FEATIU alumnus and visual artist international awardee. Consequently, Ms. Melanie P. Florentino, Chairman of the FEATIU_75Years committee, launched the 75th Anniversary Logo-making contest. Sis. Lily Ventura, DC led the Thanksgiving Prayer.

At this point, the highlight of the day is as traditional as the history of FEATI itself— the blowing of candles on Dona Victoria L. Araneta's (VLA) birthday cake. As the cake was rolled in, to commemorate the 109th birth anniversary of VLA, the family of FEATIU founders, the Araneta-Segovia family looked on. The entire FEATI community merrily sang, Happy Birthday, up to the point when, VLA’s daughter, Mrs. Carmen Segovia blew the candles out.

Festivities continued all the way up to the FEATIU Gym Balcony as the 70 anniversary balloons, led by CEO Fritz Segovia and his wife, Ms. Ging Segovia, were ceremonially released to the clear blue skies, albeit a little windy.

The fun-filled morning was not over and the students and guests were treated to more freebies for the day: souvenirs and snacks, drinks plus free ice cream from the Mamang Sorbetero who had a box-office-like queue at his stand. His customers patiently waited for their turn. FEATI University Alumni Association Global, Inc. (FUAAGI) also sponsored the enormous anniversary cake to be shared by everyone who came to celebrate the festive occasion.

And last, but not the least— the soft launching of the FEATI University Archives Exhibit Hall at the 5th floor of the Main Building was held. This will be formally inaugurated in 2021, in time for the Diamond Year of FEATIU.

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