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FEATI University's tandem trademark of SASO & GradSPrep is Hip, Hype, and Smarter in 2013

What started as FEATI University’s trademark program for graduating students has now evolved into an annual event that’s more than just “fitting into the corporate marketplace” for green and wide-eyed young ones.

Batch 2013 is fortunate to have such a FEATI-led program that looks into more than the basics of getting hired. Proof is the recently-concluded GradSPrep event in partnership with Jobs180.Com, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA). Guest speakers were of notable experience and caliber: Ms. Ann De La Cruz, Jobs180.Com Business Development Manager whose topic, “Introduction of the Jobs career portal to FEATI graduating students and Marketing ME” taught the students how to make full use of their online portal to get noticed by the best employers in the country; Ms. Ma. Corazon M. Blanquisco, DOLE Labor & Employment Officer III who talked about “Labor Education”; Mr. Jeremiah T. Carlos, DOLE Labor & Employment Officer II on his expert take on “Employment Coaching”; and Ms. Edita P. Octaviano, POEA Senior Labor and Employment Officer on a very important subject, “Anti-Illegal Recruitment and Trafficking in Person Campaign.”

“All the topics covered were essential for shaping intellectually and emotionally savvy graduates who won’t cower in fear once they are out of the protective cocoon of academics,” says Engr. Jorge P. Bautista, Director of FEATI’s GradSPrep Committee.

“We are grateful to the guest speakers who gave insights on topics that our students can use once they are out in the real world. We hope that through this platform they can become professionals in the literal and figurative sense of the word. We certainly wish a great future for Batch 2013,” added Maria Natividad C. “Teng” Ladip, Student Assistance Services Officer of SASO.

Another year, another successful SASO & GradSPrep initiative! (AMD)



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