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On a hot and humid Philippine summer day, March 6th, FEATI University observed Founders’ Day by celebrating the lives and achievements of its founder and long-time president, Victoria Lopez de Araneta, and co-founder and first president, Salvador Zaragoza Araneta. Also commemorated was Victoria’s 105th birthday. Although it was Victoria who ran the affairs of FEATI University, much of the success was achieved with Salvador’s support. Under their watchful eyes, FEATI became a recognized, respected and well-populated University, one of the first post-war universities in the country with an aviation pedigree. When Martial Law was declared in 1972 the business of education suffered from the lack of freedom but FEATI University weathered the storm and recovered largely because of the strong foundation laid down by the Araneta couple. So every year, the FEATI community marks this day of celebration with musical tributes, speeches, and a huge birthday cake. For this year’s tribute, the birthday cake was accompanied by another cake laden with tempting sugar roses and delectable cupcakes courtesy of Dr. Gloria Mateo-Alberto.

When it was his turn at the podium, Dr. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez, President of the University, recalled the values of our founders and concluded that the present FEATI Core Values were indeed reflected in the couple’s lives.  A photo wall, aptly titled The Golden Age, captured the glorious years of FEATI University from 1946 up to the 1970’s when the University established itself as a topnotch engineering, aeronautics and maritime school. A lot has happened since then with FEATI weathering several difficult periods, starting with Martial Law through to the most recent economic downturn near the beginning of the 21st century. Following a period of consolidation FEATI University is now ready to play a more visible role in the academic community as evidenced by its continuing efforts in the Accreditation of its academic programs and its internal continuous improvement efforts.

As we move into the future we must constantly remember and be guided by the legacy of Victoria and Salvador Araneta. Perhaps the heat and humidity on that Founders’ Day were really an indication to the FEATI community that it is time to heat things up and “Make FEATI sizzle!” Then we can indeed say that “Things are looking up!” for FEATI University. (AMD)


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