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Randalf Dilla: FEATIU Alumnus Shows Rebellious Side as New York City’s Swanky Art Crowd Sits Up and Takes Notice

Randalf Dilla: FEATIU Alumnus Shows Rebellious Side as New York City’s Swanky Art Crowd Sits Up and Takes Notice

Dilla, a FEATIU School of Fine Arts alumnus graduated with distinction in 2008 but has, since 2004, scored hugely in various national art competitions including First Place in the 2007 GSIS Painting Competition held here in the Philippines.

New York City, USA is now the scene of his latest conquest as he received a special citation for “Most Ambitious Work” at the International 2013/2014 ARC Salon—an international art competition organized by the Art Renewal Center.

His “Most Ambitious Work,” “Insurrection at the Museum”— is a dramatic and rebellious museum scene brought to life in multi-dimension. It is arresting in composition, visual impact, and technical execution. Breath-taking would not be enough of an adjective that would give Dilla’s art justice; an oeuvre of textured expressionism with hyper-realism in oil and acrylic.

The Manila Times reports that earlier this year another work by Dilla titled “Move” was picked as one of the top 10 entries in the recent Philip Morris Art Awards 2014 held in Manila. This excellent piece of work renders the calesa (horse-drawn carriage) in jigsaw frames. Each frame displays the artistry in the calesa as though seen through different visual filters and colors.

‘Move’, another of the artist’s work, showing his craftsmanship in the art of photorealism

Click on this line below to see Randalf Dilla’s “Insurrection at the Museum…/…/

For more information regarding the works of Randalf Dilla, email or call Hiraya Gallery at (02) 523-3331. (AMD)

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