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Triumphant 2016!

“Just a few clicks ago a collective sigh of relief was heaved by batch 2016. Finally, on the morning of…on the cusp of freedom…freedom from academics, athletics and being slave to the ticking of the clock and seemingly endless class schedules and obligations, here they all were, standing proud in their finest garb, their parents and guardians beside them, ready to claim their diplomas.” “This was also the day on which the College of Maritime Education cadets were set to ‘walk the plank’ for their recognition rites in the afternoon.” “Morning Has Broken…”

The FEATI University Commencement Exercises, anchored on the theme Patriotism: FEATInians Today, Tomorrow’s Leaders! and hosted by Ritchel Hadji J. Balatucan and Glen Jose Y. Saño began on a festive high; with the gathered FEATI community in attendance, striving to make it one grand affair. Marshals escorted the graduating candidates into the PICC Summit Hall followed in succession by the 2015-2106 medallists, the representatives of the FEATI University Alumni Association Global Inc. (FUAAGI) and The FEATinian Association of Toronto (TFAT), faculty members, associate deans and deans of colleges, the Registrar with the University Mace, the Guest of Honor, EVP for Academic Affairs Dr. Leopoldo V. Abis, EVP-COO Dr. Gloria M. Alberto, President Dr. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez, and representing the Board of Trustees of the University, Vice-Chairman and CEO Francisco A. Segovia.

Professor Salve Tan Sacaguing of the Mass Communication department of the University in writing about the theme described the FEATInians’ capacity to love their country, their passion to advance science and technology to benefit the country and their tireless pursuit to do whatever it takes to get away from the claws of poverty through quality education. These qualities have brought FEATInians past and present to see them through college, their graduation day, and on to their successes and triumphs both personal, professional, and as Filipino citizens.

There have been thousands of FEATInians who have exhibited their love for country and it was FEATI University’s good fortune to have for its Guest of Honor and Speaker, Dr. Henry N. Adorna, who graduated cum laude in BS Mathematics from FEATI University in October 1987. Dr. Adorna was also a student leader of the FEATI University Supreme Student Council and played a huge role in the revival of the FEATINIAN, the official newspaper of the University. Dr. Adorna could have chosen to live and work in Germany, one of the most technologically-advanced countries in Europe but opted to return to teach and develop future scientists at the University of the Philippines in Diliman. Speaking for the students Melvin T. Besin, BS Marine Transportation cum laude delivered the Valedictory speech, a truly apt and well-deserved place of honor for all of this young man’s hard work. Mr. Besin talked about personal failure and final triumph due to personal change.

From the Baccalaureate Mass and through the whole graduation, a personal aspect of Patriotism concerning discipline, service and individual change emerged, discussed and illuminated on by all the speakers.


With the morning festivities done, all attention was now drawn to the College of Maritime Education’s three o-clock Recognition of those cadets who had completed their academic requirements qualifying them for shipboard training. The theme, FEATI MARINERS: Leaders of the High Seas, alludes to decades upon decades of hard work to put in place a maritime program with the highest technology, most rigid and up-to-date ship navigation training with the latest on-site navigation equipment, as well as strategic partnerships with local and international shipping companies transforming cadets from mentees to mentors, from receivers of knowledge to sharers of experience, leading their own companies, commanding ships, and, even being in charge of regulation agencies and educational committees for the betterment of the industry.

FEATIU College of Maritime Education, 2015’s Number 1 in NCR MARINA-CHED WHITELIST and going stronger after a half century of tradition has produced thousands of stand-outs that if featured en masse would take up an entire phone book or two. And now, more are to be added in their ranks.

As in years past, this annual event is something that is a College Of Maritime Education event for and on behalf of the cadets, the future mariners and leaders of the high seas. It was conceived to allow cadets who truly deserve to come up on stage and receive recognition for their hard work and dedication to academic achievement their moment in the limelight since it is anticipated that more than half of them would be on board ships when they actually graduate. Hosted by Jojo Palma, the program began on a high note with the processional of the men and women of FEATI University and the College of Maritime Education: Marine Engineering Chairperson Chief Engineer Jonnel D. Miranda, Superintendent Captain Nicanor B. Altares, Deputy to the CEO on Maritime Affairs Captain Hernando S. Eusebio, the representatives of the industry partners, Guest of Honor and Speaker, FEATIU 1974 alumnus, Chief Engineer Daniel M. Africa, EVP-COO Dr. Gloria M. Alberto, President Dr. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez, and Vice-Chairman-CEO Francisco A. Segovia. Beyond the glittering attendance however was the conscious awareness that this event was for one reason alone, the cadets. This is why a major highlight was the awarding of the College Academic Excellence Awards given to the top three cadets of Marine Engineering and top five cadets of Marine Transportation. This was followed by the Recognition of cadets who had completed their academic requirements; each of the cadets is called and accompanied by parents or guardians they come on stage to receive their certificates of completion, passport, seaman’s book and training record book for their year-long shipboard training.

To many, graduation day may be just ‘one of,’ a regular calendar filler; rote. But for FEATI University, its graduates and cadets who had just passed one of life’s greatest challenges, graduation day is clearly a symbol of triumph, a rite of passage for them who gave it their best and succeeded. The perfect #greaterFEATIexperience of 2016! (AMD)