A part-time job assembling desktop computers, a wife and a new-born baby to take care of, an academic scholarship to maintain and water-rockets to research on aren't exactly the kind of cross you would want to carry before graduation, much less, while taking the Herculean three-day Aeronautical Engineering licensure examinations.
These are the things that Engr. Edryan H. Acosta bore with pride when he walked on stage last April 2008 during the FEATI University commencement exercises. The medal for Magna Cum Laude dangling from his neck was an additional, but welcome burden. With this feat, “Edryan has done it,” many of us would have thought.
But Edryan wasn't going to holster his pistol just yet. Last November 18-20, 2008, while still carrying his cross, he took the Aeronautical Engineering Licensure Examinations administered by PRC. And when the smoke cleared, Edryan was standing with the 7th Place award in his hand, an 85.00% rating and the title of Aeronautical Engineer to his name.
“During the three-day exams, I had nothing in mind except my family and God. I felt no pressure and lifted everything up to Him and His will,” Engr. Acosta humbly said after the results of the board exams were released. “I plan to stay and serve my Alma Mater as a part-time instructor and help mold the future of our country through education.”
When asked about his water-rocket projects, Engr. Acosta said with a smile, “Well, as my friend dubbed me the 'Water-Rocketman
,' I also plan to help our Alma Mater to be recognized world-wide through projects related to water-rocketry. As of now, through the help of the Aero/AMT Department, I plan to break the world record for the highest altitude that a water-rocket can go. As we say in FEATI, “Look up young man, Look up.” (JPGM)

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