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Students brave bad weather to attend Annual Student Orientation

Inclement weather notwithstanding, FEATI University held its annual Student Orientation at the 5th Floor, Athletics Area on July 28.

The orientation, spearheaded by Sr. Nice Favorito DC, Dean of Student Affairs, started with a holy mass and was followed by a short program. FEATI President Dr.–Ing. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez welcomed the faculty and students to a new school year. In his speech, Dr.–Ing. Gopez remarked that the University may be perceived as similar to other universities but upon closer look, its better qualities are revealed. He added that among the universities, FEATI is perhaps the only one to emphasize the importance of family in its Mission-Vision statement. This was followed by a description of the FEATI Way, the University’s commitment to the students’ education and development. The academics policies and guidelines were also presented and discussed.

The different colleges and departments, faculty, personnel, student government officers, FEATInian staff and various student organizations were introduced during the event. One of the program’s highlights was the showdown between the FEATI Chorale and the FEATI Brass band.

Participants were treated with a raffle of mobile phone units and free snacks courtesy of Sun Cellular at the end of the program.


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