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FEATI EE Student is Number One in 2008 RME Examsdom”, Arces concluded.

Elesio Bayer Arces is a fifth year Electrical Engineering student of FEATI.
If all goes according to plan, he will be graduating this March 2009.

On September 18, it was announced over the radio and the newspapers that with a rating of 83.5%, he topped the PRC Licensure Examinations for Registered Master Electrician (RME) (At that time this was mistakenly reported as the examination for Registered Electrical Engineers).  Now, aside from his FEATI student number, he will be known by two other numbers:  Number 1 in 2008 RME and his Registered Master Electrician License Number.

Hailing from Leyte and having five siblings, Kuya Arces, as he is fondly addressed by his peers, views education as an enabler, that would allow him to not only help his siblings, but more importantly, as the means for him to give a brighter future to his own family.  With his wife Gemma by his side, how can success elude him?

“The best chances of passing or even topping an exam stem from one’s indomitable will and perseverance.  Working hard and adopting a positive outlook in any challenge can make anyone successful”, Arces commented when interviewed.

Inspired by the support and encouragement from his EE-ECE professors, Arces saw the RME examination as a challenge to prove himself.  It was also an opportunity to integrate his FEATI education with his previous training and work experience here and abroad, a validation of the FEATI Way.

Arces continues to look ahead. Mindful of not losing his momentum, he has his eyes on taking the 2009 EE Board soon after graduation.
“Above all, I trust God in everything. I believe that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wis