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FEATI Alumnus is 2009 Outstanding Mechanical Engineer

Engineer Ernesto J. Casis, FEATI Mechanical Engineering alumnus of AY 1971-72, is no ordinary Mechanical Engineer. His is a name that is now irrevocably linked to professional excellence. Engr. Casis was chosen by the Professional Regulation Commission as the 2009 Outstanding Mechanical Engineer.

And indeed, upon realizing how far this man has become, one would agree with PRC…

Engr. Casis is the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Crembac Technologies, Inc., a multi-national corporation. To add to his laurels, Engr. Casis designed compressed air systems and plants for various manufacturing industries, while his involvement with the PFI Moncada Project allowed him to “contribute significantly to the effective discharge of profession’s social responsibility through community development project relative to the enhancement of proficiency, aptitude, spiritual and moral values of primary school students and teachers”.

He has been sharing his technical know-how and expertise by giving lectures in Professional Development Courses in the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME) “to enhance the advancement of Mechanical Engineers, Industrial Energy Audit, Renewable Energy and Total Productivity Maintenance as well as Productivity and Quality Management and Processes”.

Ernie, as he is known to his friends is an active member of the FEATI University Alumni Association, having served on its Board of Directors. He is also the President of the FEATI University Mechanical Engineering Alumni Association. (DEPJ)