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FEATI – IT Lecturer Recognized for Perfect Attendance

Emelita Alonzo has not missed a day of work and has not been tardy in the eight months from June 2010 through January 2011. The Management Committee (ManCom) headed by FEATI University President Dr.-Ing. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez, and its members, Engr. Gabriel P. Intengan (EVP-COO), Dr. Leopoldo V. Abis (EVP-Academic Affairs), and Dr. Gloria M. Alberto (EVP-Development &Compliance), upon the recommendation of College of Engineering Dean, Dr. Rogelio A. Panlasigui and IT Department Chairperson Jovy L. Factor awarded her a Certificate of Recognition for this noteworthy feat.

While several faculty members have had perfect attendance records for two or three months, Ms. Alonzo is alone in having gone eight months with a perfect attendance record. And she continues to maintain this record. This is indeed a rare feat, considering that FEATI University has more than 140 full-time and part-time faculty members.

“Words of praise and recognition inspire us to do more. I am delighted to be part of the IT family of FEATI University. I feel honored and at the same time, blessed, that the University continues to recognize the efforts of those who work hard for the welfare of the students and FEATI in general.” said Ms. Alonzo.
Ms. Alonzo has been connected to the University as a part-time teacher for the last three years. She handles subjects such as Discrete Mathematics, Digital Electronics, and Computer Programming. She has also written book in C- Language.

Her colleagues find her enthusiasm and dedication both inspiring and contagious. As Jovy Factor summarizes, “She demonstrates a strong work ethic with her coworkers. She is a team player, punctual and is truly dedicated to success.”

Keep up the good work, Ms. Alonzo! May you continue to serve as a motivator to your students and fellow faculty members. (JLF)



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