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2010 FEATI University Commencement Exercises: “Make your own trail so that others will follow you.”

Don't just follow a path. Make your own trail so that others will follow you.

Engr. Charles "Chuck" Castro, 2009 Outstanding FEATI Alumnus and graduate of BS Aeronautical Engineering Batch 1966, did not do any lip service when he imparted these words of wisdom to Batch 2010 as the keynote speaker of the FEATI University Commencement Exercises on April 19, 2010 at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay City.

Speaking from his very own experience, Engr. Castro laid down age-old yet effective steps to success. Listening intently, graduates and guests were all ears as Engr. Castro reiterated the importance of risk-taking, determination and hard work as he traced his career path starting with his notable positions and achievements in the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Hoping for more and joining his wife to be, he decided to move to the United States where he had to cope with a radically new environment of diverse cultures, veiled racism and a hectic lifestyle.

Though he may not have carved a career as an astronaut, which was his aim when he decided to pursue a career in aviation, he went conquering on an equally high-flying career path – in the United States Air Force.  With his natural wit and charm, hard-earned skills and work ethic, Engr. Castro climbed the ladder of success with achievements in his various assignments, notably the development and integration of the USAF F-16 aircraft avionics systems, inertial navigation system and global positioning systems (GPS) and overall avionics suite.  Equally challenging were his work and contributions on the advanced engine of this aircraft as well as the design and implementation of the CNS/ATM systems to allow USAF KC 135 refueling aircraft to fly and navigate world-wide safely and reliably.

Seemingly taking a similar path as Engr. Castro, Business Administration magna cum laude and Batch 2010 valedictorian Jeanel Dondriano shared the events that transpired within the four or more years that she and her batch mates had endured and triumphed over. In her valedictory speech she described the leadership training she obtained as cadet officer of the 275th NROTC Unit of the University and thanked the University for the benefits she obtained through her Doña Victoria Scholarship.  Turning misty-eyed, Dondriano then asked the parents of the graduating class to stand up and requested the audience to give them a round of applause as a sign of appreciation and gratitude for their patience, understanding and unstinting support.

After the conferment of degrees, FEATI President Dr.-Ing. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs Dr. Leopoldo V. Abis awarded the medals to the honor graduates. The certificates and diplomas were then handed out by Dr. Gopez with the assistance of the Deans and the Registrar Ma. Elena M. Yang.  Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering cum laude Angelica Alonzo led the graduates to pledge their loyalty to their alma mater. Afterwards, the graduates were inducted into the FEATI University Alumni Association (FUAA) by FUAA Director and FEATI Associate Dean Joel C. Herrera.

To end the ceremonies, the graduates sang their graduation song “Thank You Once Again” while a video presentation of their days as students was flashed on screen. The new FEATInian alumni, then, belted their heart outs as they proudly sang the FEATI Hymn: “Look Up, Young Man, Look Up”.  It was as if they were already envisioning themselves as taking flight and soaring ever higher towards their dreams.

Earlier, a baccalaureate mass officiated by Fr. Danny Carolino, C.M. set the tone for the commencement exercises. (KAL)

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