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Fun and bonding mark 66th FEATI U foundation day celebration

In 2011, FEATI University celebrated its 65th anniversary with FEATI@PLAY ON FOUNDATION DAY that featured “classic” fun games such as Sipa, Tumbang Preso, Patintero, Doctor Quack Quack, Big Ball Volleyball, and a mixed Relay Race featuring hula hoops, Chinese garter strings, coconut husks, pop candies, and tic-tac-toe boards. Everyone had such a great time that the consensus was to have another go at it. A redux was in order and the Events team came up with an awesome list of games that could only be described as rigorous, challenging, and as thrilling as games can go.

Before the games, Sister Nice Favorito DC, Dean of Student Affairs, and Sister Emily Camarote DC, of the Campus Ministry asked everyone to participate in a doxology that featured a “Web of Life”. All the participants formed a circle and as the prayer was being read, colored strings were passed around until an interconnected web of lush reds, oranges, greens, and blues had been created. Representing the University, FEATI U President Dr.-Ing. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez then gathered all the string ends from all the participants into a bunch, and draped the “web” on the University seal symbolizing the bond among participants and between participants and the University.

In a brief talk Dr. Gopez reminded everyone about FEATI’s legacy in aeronautics, engineering and the maritime profession which began when the University first accepted students on June 6, 1946. He then went on to remind everyone to have fun as the event was really more about bonding and enjoyment.  Winning would be a consequence rather than a conscious goal.

The game was called to order by hosts, Teng Ladip of SASO and Mae Sanguir of HR. Participants were composed of university officials, faculty members, employees, and administrative staff. Using the “count-off” method, the participants were grouped into four teams designated by colors: GREEN, YELLOW, RED, and BLUE. Team captains were assigned henceforth and while the teams huddled to work on their pep squad cheers, the proponents of the games from the Events team, and the Varsity squad took their positions to officiate the games and monitor the competing teams. For hours and with seemingly endless bursts of adrenaline and energy, the teams battled it out despite hair-raising moments that seemed to threaten life and limb. It was sheer team spirit and love of sports that encouraged everyone to think fast and play hard in games like Brain Game, Helium Pole, Longest Breath, Pushcart/Basketball, Banana/Ice Cream relay, Running/Skateboarding/Biking triathlon, and the ultimate tie-breaking Charades.

In the end while everyone was pink-faced, sweating and catching their breath, the official tally came out to be “four-on-four” meaning that all teams were winning with identical scores! The participants’ delight was indescribable when the consequences of the four-way tie finally sank in. In a Solomonic decision, the organizing committee decided to combine all the prizes totaling PhP 6,000.00 and equally divide the total among the four teams. Each team ended up with PhP 1,500. Couple that with a delicious post-game meal of pancit and puto, and everyone went home satisfied. A truer tale of bonding amidst competition could not be envisioned!

What’s in store in 2013? Abangan! (AMD)

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