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It’s “time to give back”-FEATI GE Alumni

It started as a simple reunion of colleagues and a fellowship among familiar faces for GE alumni wishing to “come home”.

On July 26, 2008, however, what was planned as a FEATI GE alumni homecoming became the springboard for the incorporation of the FEATI University Geodetic Engineering Alumni Foundation (FUGEAF), geared towards supporting the academic growth of the University’s future Geodetic Engineers.

Sponsored by FEATI GE Department and hosted by the Office of the University President, the get-together began with a warm welcome from Dean Emeritus and Acting GE Department Chair Dr. Genaro T. Marzan. To discuss recent developments in the curriculum and facilities of the College, Engineering Dean, Dr. Rogelio A. Panlasigui then presented an infomercial.

After formally agreeing to the incorporation of the foundation, the attendees elected their officers.

PRESIDENT : Alfredo D. Antonio

: Roland Nath Pada

SECRETARY : Alexander L. Jacob
TREASURER : Bienvenido F. Cruz
AUDITOR : Danilo R. Antonio
P.R.O. : Adrian G. Castañares

: Ervin Boado


: Richard Montaño

  : Virgilio Rigodon
  : Gilbert Palacol
  : Godofredo Artieda

: Elpidio Atienza

  : Vito Genson
  : Severeno Tominez



Keen on delivering only the best for FEATI GE students, President-elect Engr. Alfredo D. Antonio right away issued a directive for the payment of membership and annual dues as an aid to ensure the success of their projects. A total of 29 of the fifty-six GE Alumni present paid their dues on-the-spot as a show of their commitment for the Foundation, the University and the students.

Feeling that paying their dues was not enough, the members then obtained pledges to donate computer units, an LCD projector and surveying instruments to the Department.  Without batting an eyelash, they made it clear that it was their turn to “give back”.

Before the lunch that he was hosting, FEATI President Dr.-Ing. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez, thanked the GE alumni for their support and, as a challenge, urged them “to contribute personally and professionally to maintain the GE Department’s tradition of excellence”. He called on those present to honor the memory of the recently departed GE Department Chair, Engr. Privadi J.G Dalire, who served the University for more than 30 years and was responsible for 19 topnotchers (one or two of whom were present) and over 200 others in the 2nd to 20th places (of whom several were in attendance) in the Geodetic Engineering Board Examinations.  Engr. Dalire’s son, Engr. Dunn Dalire, himself a GE Alumnus gave a brief response.

The desert consisted of sweets, a tour around the campus and the memories that came flooding back.  Many of those present reminisced on the years they spent in FEATI, but still, they could not help but notice the various improvements in the facilities and buildings.

The meeting also served as a venue to keep the FEATI GE alumni abreast with current University endeavors such as the Blue & Gold fundraisers of the Events and Marketing Group under Ms. Melanie P. Florentino.  All of the attendees registered for the (then) upcoming Blue & Gold Fun Run. (CMS)