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FEATI University underscores value of Integrity as it sends off graduates in April commencement exercises

FEATI University officials, faculty and staff, parents, and well-wishers, came out in full force on April 20, 2012 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), all of them raring to celebrate the successful completion of academics by two hundred of its students in a ceremony that underscored Integrity as the FEATInian’s anchor to success. For the University, integrity is such an important quality to possess because it pertains to one’s wholeness, completeness, or soundness. Integrity should be at the top of a FEATInians’ list of values since integrity locks in all the other values such as scholarship, accountability, equality, and patriotism.

It is integrity which makes the FEATInians live consistently with these other values.
As part of University tradition, the Processional of the graduates and University faculty and officials was immediately followed by a baccalaureate mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Serafin Peralta, CM.  After which, the deans presented the candidates for graduation to the President.  When all the candidates had been presented, the President conferred upon them the various titles and degrees that they had earned.  The Registrar then called the honor graduates on stage to receive their medals from the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President. The lone Magna Cum Laude was Mike Alvin G. Tatoy of the Department of Geodetic Engineering. There were seven Cum Laudes in total: two from the Department of Aeronautical Engineering: Matthew Rainier See Yu, and Maria Elaine I. Elago; two from Customs Administration: Mande P. Landicho and Kisslive Fiel F. Garnace; two from Mass Communication: Saxs Gabrielle P. Santos and Marie Joy P. Molina; and last but not the least, Jeddaille M. Llavore from Aircraft Maintenance Technology.  Six others graduated “With Distinction”: Ralph Michael G. Tejano BS AMT, Mark Justin I. Rosales AB MassCom, Arnel S. Tolentino BSCE, Felix Gentner P. Recto BS AMT, Charles Kyoshi N. Araya BSCE and Barron Erik T. Baustista BS AeroE. Honor graduates were accompanied by their parents, who put the medals on them.

This year’s commencement speaker, Engineer Camilo M. Tabalba, a FEATInian scholar-alumnus who graduated Magna Cum Laude in Electrical Engineering gave the students a lot to look forward to as he shared his views in the current technological trends and directions for the graduates to take.  In addition he shared the traits and characteristics that a graduate should possess or cultivate in order to succeed in his or her chosen career. Engineer Tabalba obtained a Masters’ degree in Electrical Engineering from London University in 1970 and was invited to work for British firms soon after.  He has over forty years of experience in electronics and telecommunications R&D and design, moving to Canada when Bell Northern Research of Ottawa bought Standard Telecoms, the company he was working for in England.  He has three patents to his name.  Engr. Tabalba especially warmed the hearts of the FEATI community when he especially flew in from Canada exclusively for this commencement exercise.

The graduates then went on stage to get their diplomas from the President and their respective College Deans.  The enthusiasm was palpable and the applause ebbed and flowed, likely depending on the “popularity” of the graduate.  Most important of all, the joy, and in some cases, the relief was visible in the faces of many of the graduates.  As the top graduate of Batch 2012 Mr. Mike Alvin G. Tatoy, BS Geodetic Engineering magna cum laude then gave his much applauded Valedictory address.

Credit should be given to the masters of ceremony, Ms. Mae Ann Rose P. Sanguir and Mr. Jun Jun B. Flores, for making the ceremony flow seamlessly and proceed with clockwork precision.

Much appreciation goes out to the Graduation Committee chaired by Engr. Joel C. Herrera and its sub-committees for preparing commencement exercises that met the expectations of Batch 2012 of the University and their parents.

Congratulations, graduates! Make us proud! Or as Engr. Tabalba said, it’s time we said “Look Up young man!” “Look Up young woman!” (AMD)





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