8th Annual FEATI S & T Expo has DOST Sec. Montejo as Keynote Speaker
The 8th annual FEATI Science &Technology Expo with the theme “FostEring innovATIon” began February 17 at the University’s Activity Center. The Expo is designed to encourage FEATI undergraduate as well as guest high school students to present their research projects to the Academic Community and to the public. In addition FEATI S&T Expo is aimed at encouraging and honing the youth to pursue engineering or scientific careers. Students from invited Metro Manila high schools will be competing for prizes and trophies for the best research project. While In the college level, FEATI students are competing for the Zara Cup, which traditionally goes to the group with the best project.
Hon. Mario G. Montejo, Secretary of Department of Science and Technology delivered the Keynote Address at the opening of the S&T Expo on February 17. In his speech Sec. Montejo emphasized that even in solving large problems at the national level, a scientific view helps greatly while innovation is the key and illustrated this point with several concrete examples such as the use of a “hot” pepper based solution to attract mosquitoes and destroy their eggs to combat dengue. He added that by “thinking out of the box” some problems can be viewed in a different perspective. He said that to get the polished white rice that we are so used to eating, there is a loss of about 15% in the milling process. If we therefore just de-husk the rice and not polish it to produce brown rice, this 15% loss is avoided. Present rice shortage is projected at 11%. He cited at least two other examples where, after changing perspectives, innovation points the way to a viable solution.
After cutting the ribbon, Sec. Montejo eagerly toured the exhibit area and enjoyed the time he had with the students as the latter demonstrated their respective projects, staying longer than he had planned.
In addition to the featured research projects, there were also exhibits from various agencies of the Department of Science and Technology, the Carlos Palanca Street Urban Renewal and Rehabilitation Project and the University Belt Consortium. The Consortium exhibited the preliminary results of the DOST-funded project aimed at reducing the pollution of the Pasig River and its tributaries. The three-day event also includes different activities such as seminars, science quiz bee, open house, and on-the-spot art competition.
