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In three batches held on April 12 and 13; 18 and 19; and 27 and 28, 2011, FEATI University in partnership with Ancilla Enterprise Development Consulting, gathered the university’s management, administrative and academic department heads, faculty members and staff to participate in an intensive personal effectiveness program, “Living Values at Work.”

As laid out by the FEATI Management Committee and Ms. Tita D. Puangco, President and CEO of Ancilla, who also led the workshop in FEATI University, the program aims to discover and examine personal values and put essential basic life choices in order.  This enables the individual to determine critical behaviors allowing each one to practice living out one’s values consistently and harmoniously with others.  Among the exercises were the crafting of a personal mission and vision; matching of this personal vision, mission and values with the related FEATI corporate vision, mission and values; determination of a well balanced life style leading to personal effectiveness; and, finally, a commitment to a personal action plan to live this balanced life at home and in the workplace.

During the program, FEATI faculty members and employees were asked to look inward and realize their personal values and how these values impact those they love, those that they work with, and their chosen lifestyle. Furthermore, the core values of the university e.g. Integrity, Scholarship, Accountability, Equality, and Patriotism were discussed at length to explore how the employees define these values in relation to their personal and professional life.

According to Mr. Richie D. Pescador, FEATI University’s head for Human Resources, the program was “[a] way in which FEATI employees can really delve into and explore their personal values. This program encouraged the employees to draw from their personal experiences and align their values with those of the University. We want our employees to live out these values daily and go beyond mere lip service to the core values.”

In this manner FEATI University shall have planted the seeds of these values and the faculty members and employees shall now allow them to take root and permeate their lives and those of the students with whom they are in daily contact. Ultimately, this better grasp of self-worth and self-realization of one’s purpose in life that will make one a transformed individual: one who continuously strives for excellence in the service of God, country and family. (AMD)



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